Monday, November 16, 2009

Cars, cars everywhere!

Last night we counted 15 cars in our driveway/parking lot/yard area! 5 of these cars are either not running or are never moved from their wonderfully aesthetic spots! There are 6 units, so there should be what?..12 cars tops! Plus, we have 6 covered spots in the carports and our's plus 1 other one are the only ones that are used for usable cars. What is in the other 4? Junk! They are packed to the roof with crap, which means that they look disgusting and also that the excessive amount of cars have to be littered around the yard....also looking disgusting! Awesome.


Chubby Girls Can Run said...

Eugene is in the car business, you want me to send him over with his slacks and tie and see if he can see them.........(sad thing he"ll probably sell them back to all those crack heads)

shane rocket said...

i want more of this apple lane, i want more. it reminds me of so many memories...